For the past few days I have been playing with a great new plugin from Astute Graphics called MirrorMe. They must have had fashion designers in mind when they created this one.
Imagine reflecting everything you draw on a layer without that constant “Select Reflect, Alt+Click on the center line, Copy.” It’s the plugin of my dreams.
It cut my drawing time almost in half and it integrates beautifully with all of the Illustrator tools including Pathfinder. Visit the Astute Graphics web site for a free 14 day trial and fall in love.
I whipped up a short and sweet tutorial on how to use MirrorMe for fashion design. Get it here!
Imagine reflecting everything you draw on a layer without that constant “Select Reflect, Alt+Click on the center line, Copy.” It’s the plugin of my dreams.
It cut my drawing time almost in half and it integrates beautifully with all of the Illustrator tools including Pathfinder. Visit the Astute Graphics web site for a free 14 day trial and fall in love.
I whipped up a short and sweet tutorial on how to use MirrorMe for fashion design. Get it here!